The Making Digital Real Blogs LinkedIn Text Only Posts

LinkedIn Text Only Posts


Good morning 

LinkedIn posts that contain just text do REALLY well. 

I could just end this weeks ninja tip right there, but I won't as I'm sure you have questions as to why? I know I did when I first discovered this fact.

But first, here is an screenshot from my text based post that was published on Tuesday 17th Jan 2023...

1500 characters / 200 words, with 3 great hashtags and a few great tags.

Over 2,500 views. Not bad at all. But why did LinkedIn want to push this content into over 2,500 LinkedIn users feeds? Because let's face it, it doesn't look half as good compared to those with fancy images, carousels or video.

It's another reason why LinkedIn is so different to platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. It's still a 'business' related platform. I don't have all the answers, but after several hours of research, I've come to the conclusion that text-based posts are also more versatile than other types of content. 

They can be used to share a wide range of information, from simple status updates to in-depth articles and research. This flexibility makes them a popular choice for professionals looking to share their expertise and insights with their network.

Could it be that people are more likely to read and engage with text-based posts than with other types of content? After all, they can quickly scroll through and consume the information in a short amount of time.

Just a quick reminder folks that the event I'm hosting with Anne-Marie Martin is still happening on Thursday 23 Feb - click above to grab your ticket.

If you want to take more action in 2023 with clear messaging, LinkedIn success and more ways to be smart and grow business with digital, check out my vault, and watch out for more free content in January!

And finally, there are still tickets still available for my next live event in February 8th - Win More Business with Video Messaging. The E-Book is also included for anyone that wants to purchase a ticket this weekend....

Ok, that's it from me this week. See you all next week!

Oh, and don't forget to come and join the Making Digital Real Facebook Group. 

Meet other members, collaborate, share ideas, network and receive more valuable tips from me each week!


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Ninja Tip of the Week Blog Posts

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